"As you breathe right now, another person takes his last. So appreciate your life, stop complaining about what you don't have and start loving what you have." - Justine B.
I have the best family, friends and BFF in the world,but I DON'T live in the best place in the world, and eat the best food in the world, and get to see everything that this world has to offer....man, I am very blessed!! :))
♦Name: Justine Mae Batiquin♥
♦Nicknames: Justine, just, tatine
♦Favorite Places: My Front Porch, My Room & My Best-friends' Home :P♥
♦Favorite Bands:
PARAMORE, New found Glory, Faber Drive, Jimmy Eat World, Paper Route, Weezer, Boys Like Girls, Click Five, The Re