"Don't judge me by my past.
I'm not in the past anymore.
Accept me for who I am because this is me TODAY..." :P
<3 <3 <3
______*-pErsOnAL InFo-*_______
[x] Name: JuLyn Via CindEreLLa Cobarrubias M0raL
[x] Nickname(s): Cyndz, sin (cyn)...
[x] Birthday: 0ctobEr 15, 1988
[x] Age: 2*
[x] Location: marikina city
[x] Status: dating…
[x] Occupation: killer! heheh joke
[x] School: PLMar
[x] Course: Hotel & Restaurant Management (BSHRM)
[x] Most Memorable Memory: a Lot!
[x] Worst?: none of yer godamnbiz!
[x] First Word Uttered: I have no idea… Go Ask my parents!
[x] First Best Friend Ever!?: probabLy Jeman Barrantes… I don't even remember how we became friends...