♥♥♥A note to -
♥♥Father's Side Grandfather :
♥I didnt have a chance to see you after ii was born .
♥Heard that you left while my mummy is pregnant with me .
♥Although i didnt get a chance to see you , but i saw your photos and notice that you are quite a handsome guy .
♥Grandmother is lucky to marry you .
♥I'll hope that you'll at least appear in my dreams to tell me that you are fine now ..
♥♥Mother's Side Grandmother :
♥Luckily , i still get to see you after i was born .
♥You left on 26 Oct , one of your Grandson's Birthday .
♥You took good care of me when im young .
♥I miss you .
♥After knowing that you left us , I was so depre