Iam a kind perSoN that always try to help soMeone when they just neEd a hug or a smile for the day.. Iam keEn to be sucessfulL in lifE,and iam very ambitious..Iam a Reliable persoN thats racy(spirited),exciting and eager to learn new stUff! Iam always up for a party,buT yet iam respoNsible... iam realLy laid back nd str8d fwd...
Eks n baie sentimentele peRsOon,wat kLein gOedjies in die lewe raak sien as waardevol...
Ek glo wat jy insit in die lewe kOm terug na jou toe,daarOm pRobeer ek mense oM my behandEl,sOos ek graag behandEl wil wOrd....
LieFdE wen altyd!!