Over 10+ years of experience & specialized skills in the following areas.
Web 2.x and Enterprise (Java,J2EE)
Cloud , (Paas, Saas, Iaas) : Openshift , Docker.
Social , (Open Social APIs , Marketing & Analytics )
Mobile , (ios, android)
Green (Personally interested in Carbon Tracking ).
Repoting & Analytics - (Crystal, BO , Jaspersoft)
I think , analyze , design , code , test , fix , maintain ,document
scalable, secure & reliable,money making software and systems.
Specialties: Java, J2EE (jpa,jsf etc..).SOA ,Webservices,XML
Spring , Hibernate , Jersey ,Ajax ,Ruby on Rails, Groovy,grails
Web 2.x - Jquery , Prototype , GWT , yui , dojo, Icefaces,fusion charts.