This document provides an introduction to becoming a film director. It discusses that a film director controls the artistic and dramatic aspects of a film and guides the cast and crew. It recommends discovering your inspiration by watching different types of films, observing people, learning to use a camera, and building a portfolio with short films and other works. The educational requirements outlined are a degree in a relevant field like film or communication, experience, and skills in areas like communication, leadership, and creativity. Common paths to becoming a professional director include studying film, working in television or other crew roles, producing own films, or moving directly into directing.
This document discusses how the media product uses conventions of real documentaries. It does so by using the rule of thirds technique for shots, which positions interviewees off-center to make the shots more interesting. It also varies the setting by interviewing a driver in a car to add interest. Cutaways are included to keep the audience focused, just as in professional documentaries.
Alberto es un verdulero que vive en Buenos Aires. Cada ma?ana temprano va al mercado central para comprar grandes cantidades de frutas y verduras a bajos precios, las cuales son transportadas desde las huertas cercanas en camiones. Al regresar a su negocio, Alberto inspecciona cuidadosamente la mercader┴a para asegurarse de que est└ en buen estado y en condiciones de venderla a sus clientes.
CRM360: The Customer Journey - Technology & Ecosystems (Session 6)ticomixcrm
The document discusses aligning a company's CRM system with the customer journey to improve customer acquisition and retention. It outlines the key stages of the customer journey and how different parts of an organization can interact with customers at each stage using a CRM system like SugarCRM. It also provides information on customizing SugarCRM to adapt it to a company's specific processes and integrating it with other tools.
The document provides information on a case study of a 3-month-old male patient admitted to the pediatric ward with a chief complaint of non-productive cough, high grade fever, and convulsive episodes over the past 4 days. The patient's history, physical assessment findings, admitting diagnosis of suspected CNS infection and ARI with severe disease, treatment plan, and applicable nursing care are discussed. A nursing care plan is developed based on Gordon's Functional Health Patterns to address the patient's hyperthermia and risk for seizures related to his conditions. [END SUMMARY]
This Photoshop lesson covers key concepts about working with images in Photoshop including:
- Photoshop can be used to edit photos and create graphics on both Windows and Mac.
- Images can be either raster (made of pixels at a set resolution) or vector (shapes that can be resized without quality loss).
- When setting size and resolution, higher resolution like 300 ppi is needed for high-quality printing while 72 ppi is sufficient for web.
- Bit depth determines the number of colors an image can display, with more bits allowing more colors but larger file sizes.
Consumerism refers to the accumulation, purchase, or consumption of non-essential goods and services. Consumerism or mass consumption seriously compromises natural resources in modern society. Cuba is an example of a country where consumerism has not been allowed due to the US trade embargo, so Cubans have had to adapt without many consumer items for many years. As the US reestablishes relations with Cuba, it remains to be seen how this will affect consumerism on the island in the future.
This document discusses the concept of rule of law and its role in national development. It begins by providing examples from Greek mythology and language of the goddess Eunomia, who represented law and good order. It then discusses:
- Different definitions and understandings of rule of law, from a practical focus on law and order to philosophical concepts of accountability and limiting government power.
- How rule of law requires good laws and governance, and relies on the balance between the sovereign power of government and citizen participation.
- The role of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches in upholding rule of law to prevent arbitrary exercise of power and advance compliance, sustainability, and predictability of laws.
- How
The document discusses how to attain eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. It states that good deeds alone are not enough for salvation and that all people are sinners. It then outlines six steps to accept Jesus as savior: 1) admit you are a sinner, 2) understand God provided salvation through Jesus, 3) you cannot save yourself, 4) repent of sins, 5) ask Jesus to save you, and 6) proclaim Jesus before others. Reciting the "Sinner's Prayer" is provided as an example to accept Jesus. The summary concludes that if you choose Jesus you can have confidence in eternal life in heaven.
This document provides an overview of Aurico's applicant tracking and background screening services and their partnership with InfinityHR. It discusses Aurico's awards, compliance support, flexible programs, and technology and support. The partnership provides InfinityHR partners with preferred pricing through a group purchasing program and easy automation through integration. Partners can also refer clients to Aurico and get rewards. To engage Aurico, a client schedules a call with Aurico and Matt Siegal to discuss needs and get a proposal and demo, or an InfinityHR partner can contact Rick Buttice about the partnership program.
- The document summarizes the aftermath of the burning of Serabourg Citadel in the game world of Royal Road. Weed led refugees to safety and is praised for his heroic actions.
- It describes political instability in Rosenheim Kingdom and battles between guilds like the Hermes Guild and knights like Kolderim. Kolderim is ultimately killed in a duel with Bardray.
- Weed reports to Selina on saving refugees and is rewarded with a powerful magic bracelet that increases his skills and affinity to nature. He is very pleased with this reward for his heroic efforts.
This document outlines the key aspects of studying Media Studies A-Level at Chew Valley School. Students will learn skills in analyzing how media products are constructed, producing their own media across different platforms, and conducting research. Coursework involves creating media texts and evaluating them through blogging. Exams cover key media concepts, industries, and theories. Students are instructed to customize their blog over the summer and post specific media for analysis. An introductory lesson contrasts teaser and full film trailers to demonstrate how they are used to market films.
The document summarizes Abdullahi Mohammed's work creating a film trailer for an A2 course. It discusses the roles of group members, how the trailer used and challenged conventions, the effectiveness of combining the trailer with ancillary materials like a poster and magazine cover, learning from audience feedback, and the use of software and technologies in the process.
This document provides guidance for students taking a critical perspectives exam focusing on analyzing a media production in relation to media concepts. It discusses the concept of "media language" and how to analyze elements like mise-en-scene, camera work, editing, sound, and textual elements. Semiotics, or the study of signs and how meaning is constructed through codes and conventions, is a key way to deconstruct media language. Indexical, symbolic, and technical codes are explained for analyzing horror genre conventions in a student's own production and trailer.
This document provides guidance and examples to help students answer questions about media texts. It discusses the four main areas examined: media forms, representations, audiences, and institutions. Students are instructed to take detailed notes on elements like mise-en-scene, camera work, sound, and editing when analyzing clips. Sample questions look at how these technical elements create meaning and how texts target audiences. Institutional topics cover the advantages and disadvantages of independent productions versus working with major studios.
This document provides guidance and examples to help students answer questions about media texts. It discusses the four main areas examined: media forms, representations, audiences, and institutions. Students are instructed to take detailed notes on elements like mise-en-scene, camera work, sound, and editing when analyzing clips. Sample questions look at how these technical elements create meaning and how texts target certain audiences. Context is important, and representations may challenge or support dominant ideologies. Media ownership can involve horizontal and vertical integration among subsidiaries and conglomerates.
Drama babe! C Theatre Stage Experience for AgilistsMichael Tarnowski
I presented this workshop at ^Walk the Talk C Talk the Walk ̄ #WTTW, Annual Conference Agile Consortium NL, 10.Sept.2014. C The presentation gives you a broad toolbox of communication skills:
* How to set the narrative structure your presentation
* How to prepare your stage: onstage, offstage, and audience space
* How to use light, sound, costumes, and props properly
* How to rehearse & improve your presentation
* How to use your body language
I structured my workshop as a theatre playbook:
Who is your Performer?Why do Agilists need Theatre Stage Experience?
Act I C Scripting the Performance
Act I, Scene 1 C Write the Playbook,
Act I, Scene 2 C Set the Stage
Act I, Scene 3 C Set the Pose
Act I, Scene 4 C Direct the Performance
Act II C Staging the Performance
Act II, Scene 1 C Build the Stage
Act II, Scene 2 C Onstage & Backstage, Entrances & Exits
Act II, Scene 3 C Set the Light
Act II, Scene 4 C Set the Sound/Music
Act II, Scene 5 C Set the Costumes & Props
Act III C Performing the Performance
Act III, Scene 1 C Rehearse
Act III, Scene 2 C Find proper Emphasis
Act III, Scene 3 C Create Meaning
Act III, Scene 4 C Create Emotions and Authenticity
This document provides guidance on evaluation questions for a film opening sequence project. It includes questions about how the film uses or challenges conventions, represents social groups, might be distributed, who the intended audience is, how the audience was attracted, what was learned about technologies, and reflections on progress from preliminary work. Students are advised to answer in a minimum of 1000 words and maximum of 1500 words, using content and examples to illustrate their points.
The document provides a lesson plan on analyzing film trailers. It begins by defining different types of trailers like teaser and full trailers. It discusses conventions used in trailers like logos, music, voiceovers, intertitles and representation. Students are instructed to analyze a Sex and the City teaser trailer as an example, identifying the techniques used to appeal to the target audience such as shots of New York City and representations of the main characters. Students are then assigned a task to analyze a trailer of their choice and discuss how it appeals to its target audience.
A Level Media Studies - Induction BookletMissCTurner
The document outlines the course outline for an induction booklet covering representation in TV drama, the UK film industry, and creating an opening film sequence. In the first term, students will analyze representations in TV drama and complete an essay. They will also begin planning and preliminary work on creating an opening sequence, including setting up a production blog and research. The second term focuses on a mock exam, completing the opening sequence, and continuing analysis of the film industry. The third term includes a full mock exam, completing evaluations of the opening sequence, and exam revision.
The document discusses a student's media product project in the thriller genre of film. It includes sections that analyze the use of forms and conventions in different elements of the project like camera work, editing, sound, special effects, and narrative. Feedback from target audiences is also discussed. The student learned various filming and editing techniques in creating the project and improved their skills from their preliminary task. They were able to apply feedback to strengthen areas like transitions, continuity, and use of sound.
This document provides instructions for a video brief coursework assignment. Students must analyze the opening sequences of three films from different genres, with one being from the drama genre. For each film, students should briefly describe the content of the opening sequence, discuss the framing techniques used and their effects, how the film engages the audience, and how credits are introduced. Students should also analyze the characters introduced, first impressions of characters, and any stereotypes used. Finally, students must discuss key genre conventions presented in each opening sequence.
The document discusses audience feedback from a film trailer created by the author. A questionnaire was used to collect feedback from 56 viewers. The main findings were that the trailer appeared confusing, with 21 viewers claiming confusion. However, the majority (35 viewers) said they would be interested in watching the full film. Most viewers identified similarities between the author's trailer and the films "Taken" and "Taken 2". The author concludes the trailer was partially successful in generating interest in the full film.
This document outlines the coursework requirements for a Film Studies course. It consists of 4 main pieces of work that make up 50% of the overall grade. Part 1 focuses on exploring a film of the candidate's choice through a micro-analysis of 350-750 words focusing on two micro-features such as mise-en-scene, editing, camerawork or sound. The document provides guidance on choosing a film and researching its production, distribution and exhibition to provide context for the micro-analysis.
Vlogging for film- Bend it like Beckham Annie Davis
This document provides instructions for an assignment analyzing the film Bend it Like Beckham. Students are asked to identify how the director uses film techniques to convey information about characters and themes. They must analyze a 5-minute sequence from the film using 3 techniques. For each technique, they must describe an example, explain its effect, and discuss how it portrays the theme and a character. Students will present their analysis in a written response and informative vlog discussing what can be learned from the film. The assignment is due on Friday, May 8th.
Final major project_proposal_form_updatedChristianO96
This document is a proposal form for a final major project to produce a music video. It will tell the story of a solo male artist backwards, from a sad ending to a happy beginning. Shots and footage will be played in reverse to achieve this. The target audience is described as young male and female adults who enjoy acoustic music. Their needs, such as being entertained and relating to the artist, will be met through the main actor's strong performance and a narrative that avoids confusion over the reverse chronology. A variety of camera techniques, including slow motion, will be used to develop the quality and surreal atmosphere of the music video.
The document discusses Jordan Baldock's use of various social media and online platforms to promote a film project. Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook were utilized to share updates, release the film, and collect feedback. Both positive and negative feedback was received around elements like camera angles, sound, and video quality. The feedback helped identify ways to improve if the project was repeated.
Consumerism refers to the accumulation, purchase, or consumption of non-essential goods and services. Consumerism or mass consumption seriously compromises natural resources in modern society. Cuba is an example of a country where consumerism has not been allowed due to the US trade embargo, so Cubans have had to adapt without many consumer items for many years. As the US reestablishes relations with Cuba, it remains to be seen how this will affect consumerism on the island in the future.
This document discusses the concept of rule of law and its role in national development. It begins by providing examples from Greek mythology and language of the goddess Eunomia, who represented law and good order. It then discusses:
- Different definitions and understandings of rule of law, from a practical focus on law and order to philosophical concepts of accountability and limiting government power.
- How rule of law requires good laws and governance, and relies on the balance between the sovereign power of government and citizen participation.
- The role of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches in upholding rule of law to prevent arbitrary exercise of power and advance compliance, sustainability, and predictability of laws.
- How
The document discusses how to attain eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. It states that good deeds alone are not enough for salvation and that all people are sinners. It then outlines six steps to accept Jesus as savior: 1) admit you are a sinner, 2) understand God provided salvation through Jesus, 3) you cannot save yourself, 4) repent of sins, 5) ask Jesus to save you, and 6) proclaim Jesus before others. Reciting the "Sinner's Prayer" is provided as an example to accept Jesus. The summary concludes that if you choose Jesus you can have confidence in eternal life in heaven.
This document provides an overview of Aurico's applicant tracking and background screening services and their partnership with InfinityHR. It discusses Aurico's awards, compliance support, flexible programs, and technology and support. The partnership provides InfinityHR partners with preferred pricing through a group purchasing program and easy automation through integration. Partners can also refer clients to Aurico and get rewards. To engage Aurico, a client schedules a call with Aurico and Matt Siegal to discuss needs and get a proposal and demo, or an InfinityHR partner can contact Rick Buttice about the partnership program.
- The document summarizes the aftermath of the burning of Serabourg Citadel in the game world of Royal Road. Weed led refugees to safety and is praised for his heroic actions.
- It describes political instability in Rosenheim Kingdom and battles between guilds like the Hermes Guild and knights like Kolderim. Kolderim is ultimately killed in a duel with Bardray.
- Weed reports to Selina on saving refugees and is rewarded with a powerful magic bracelet that increases his skills and affinity to nature. He is very pleased with this reward for his heroic efforts.
This document outlines the key aspects of studying Media Studies A-Level at Chew Valley School. Students will learn skills in analyzing how media products are constructed, producing their own media across different platforms, and conducting research. Coursework involves creating media texts and evaluating them through blogging. Exams cover key media concepts, industries, and theories. Students are instructed to customize their blog over the summer and post specific media for analysis. An introductory lesson contrasts teaser and full film trailers to demonstrate how they are used to market films.
The document summarizes Abdullahi Mohammed's work creating a film trailer for an A2 course. It discusses the roles of group members, how the trailer used and challenged conventions, the effectiveness of combining the trailer with ancillary materials like a poster and magazine cover, learning from audience feedback, and the use of software and technologies in the process.
This document provides guidance for students taking a critical perspectives exam focusing on analyzing a media production in relation to media concepts. It discusses the concept of "media language" and how to analyze elements like mise-en-scene, camera work, editing, sound, and textual elements. Semiotics, or the study of signs and how meaning is constructed through codes and conventions, is a key way to deconstruct media language. Indexical, symbolic, and technical codes are explained for analyzing horror genre conventions in a student's own production and trailer.
This document provides guidance and examples to help students answer questions about media texts. It discusses the four main areas examined: media forms, representations, audiences, and institutions. Students are instructed to take detailed notes on elements like mise-en-scene, camera work, sound, and editing when analyzing clips. Sample questions look at how these technical elements create meaning and how texts target audiences. Institutional topics cover the advantages and disadvantages of independent productions versus working with major studios.
This document provides guidance and examples to help students answer questions about media texts. It discusses the four main areas examined: media forms, representations, audiences, and institutions. Students are instructed to take detailed notes on elements like mise-en-scene, camera work, sound, and editing when analyzing clips. Sample questions look at how these technical elements create meaning and how texts target certain audiences. Context is important, and representations may challenge or support dominant ideologies. Media ownership can involve horizontal and vertical integration among subsidiaries and conglomerates.
Drama babe! C Theatre Stage Experience for AgilistsMichael Tarnowski
I presented this workshop at ^Walk the Talk C Talk the Walk ̄ #WTTW, Annual Conference Agile Consortium NL, 10.Sept.2014. C The presentation gives you a broad toolbox of communication skills:
* How to set the narrative structure your presentation
* How to prepare your stage: onstage, offstage, and audience space
* How to use light, sound, costumes, and props properly
* How to rehearse & improve your presentation
* How to use your body language
I structured my workshop as a theatre playbook:
Who is your Performer?Why do Agilists need Theatre Stage Experience?
Act I C Scripting the Performance
Act I, Scene 1 C Write the Playbook,
Act I, Scene 2 C Set the Stage
Act I, Scene 3 C Set the Pose
Act I, Scene 4 C Direct the Performance
Act II C Staging the Performance
Act II, Scene 1 C Build the Stage
Act II, Scene 2 C Onstage & Backstage, Entrances & Exits
Act II, Scene 3 C Set the Light
Act II, Scene 4 C Set the Sound/Music
Act II, Scene 5 C Set the Costumes & Props
Act III C Performing the Performance
Act III, Scene 1 C Rehearse
Act III, Scene 2 C Find proper Emphasis
Act III, Scene 3 C Create Meaning
Act III, Scene 4 C Create Emotions and Authenticity
This document provides guidance on evaluation questions for a film opening sequence project. It includes questions about how the film uses or challenges conventions, represents social groups, might be distributed, who the intended audience is, how the audience was attracted, what was learned about technologies, and reflections on progress from preliminary work. Students are advised to answer in a minimum of 1000 words and maximum of 1500 words, using content and examples to illustrate their points.
The document provides a lesson plan on analyzing film trailers. It begins by defining different types of trailers like teaser and full trailers. It discusses conventions used in trailers like logos, music, voiceovers, intertitles and representation. Students are instructed to analyze a Sex and the City teaser trailer as an example, identifying the techniques used to appeal to the target audience such as shots of New York City and representations of the main characters. Students are then assigned a task to analyze a trailer of their choice and discuss how it appeals to its target audience.
A Level Media Studies - Induction BookletMissCTurner
The document outlines the course outline for an induction booklet covering representation in TV drama, the UK film industry, and creating an opening film sequence. In the first term, students will analyze representations in TV drama and complete an essay. They will also begin planning and preliminary work on creating an opening sequence, including setting up a production blog and research. The second term focuses on a mock exam, completing the opening sequence, and continuing analysis of the film industry. The third term includes a full mock exam, completing evaluations of the opening sequence, and exam revision.
The document discusses a student's media product project in the thriller genre of film. It includes sections that analyze the use of forms and conventions in different elements of the project like camera work, editing, sound, special effects, and narrative. Feedback from target audiences is also discussed. The student learned various filming and editing techniques in creating the project and improved their skills from their preliminary task. They were able to apply feedback to strengthen areas like transitions, continuity, and use of sound.
This document provides instructions for a video brief coursework assignment. Students must analyze the opening sequences of three films from different genres, with one being from the drama genre. For each film, students should briefly describe the content of the opening sequence, discuss the framing techniques used and their effects, how the film engages the audience, and how credits are introduced. Students should also analyze the characters introduced, first impressions of characters, and any stereotypes used. Finally, students must discuss key genre conventions presented in each opening sequence.
The document discusses audience feedback from a film trailer created by the author. A questionnaire was used to collect feedback from 56 viewers. The main findings were that the trailer appeared confusing, with 21 viewers claiming confusion. However, the majority (35 viewers) said they would be interested in watching the full film. Most viewers identified similarities between the author's trailer and the films "Taken" and "Taken 2". The author concludes the trailer was partially successful in generating interest in the full film.
This document outlines the coursework requirements for a Film Studies course. It consists of 4 main pieces of work that make up 50% of the overall grade. Part 1 focuses on exploring a film of the candidate's choice through a micro-analysis of 350-750 words focusing on two micro-features such as mise-en-scene, editing, camerawork or sound. The document provides guidance on choosing a film and researching its production, distribution and exhibition to provide context for the micro-analysis.
Vlogging for film- Bend it like Beckham Annie Davis
This document provides instructions for an assignment analyzing the film Bend it Like Beckham. Students are asked to identify how the director uses film techniques to convey information about characters and themes. They must analyze a 5-minute sequence from the film using 3 techniques. For each technique, they must describe an example, explain its effect, and discuss how it portrays the theme and a character. Students will present their analysis in a written response and informative vlog discussing what can be learned from the film. The assignment is due on Friday, May 8th.
Final major project_proposal_form_updatedChristianO96
This document is a proposal form for a final major project to produce a music video. It will tell the story of a solo male artist backwards, from a sad ending to a happy beginning. Shots and footage will be played in reverse to achieve this. The target audience is described as young male and female adults who enjoy acoustic music. Their needs, such as being entertained and relating to the artist, will be met through the main actor's strong performance and a narrative that avoids confusion over the reverse chronology. A variety of camera techniques, including slow motion, will be used to develop the quality and surreal atmosphere of the music video.
The document discusses Jordan Baldock's use of various social media and online platforms to promote a film project. Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook were utilized to share updates, release the film, and collect feedback. Both positive and negative feedback was received around elements like camera angles, sound, and video quality. The feedback helped identify ways to improve if the project was repeated.
This document provides an introduction to studying media. It outlines the coursework and exam requirements for the year which include a film opening coursework and an exam on the film industry and TV drama analysis. It then discusses various conventions of film openings including production logos, titles, establishing genre, characters and locations. It explores how openings use sound, themes, and enigma to engage audiences. Students are tasked to research film openings and media theory for an essay on how openings draw in audiences. They will also develop a storyboarded concept for a film opening over the summer.
The document provides evaluation questions for a media production project involving a film trailer, film poster, and magazine cover created to promote the film. The evaluation consists of 4 questions to be answered in blog posts with various presentation techniques and evidence from the media products. Question 1 asks how the products used, developed, or challenged conventions of real media forms. The response should discuss the communication forms used for promotion and how conventions were approached in each product, citing examples.
Trailers are short previews that provide highlights from a movie to generate interest in viewers watching the full film. They may demonstrate the storyline and plot. Trailers come in different types for different purposes - teaser trailers aim to excite audiences with a short preview, while main trailers provide more information about the content. Trailers are an important part of marketing a film as they are often viewers' first impression and can influence whether people decide to watch the movie or not.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conv...KathrynXo
This document is a media evaluation by Kathryn Hoverd of various media products she created for her A2 media work. It includes an evaluation of her final teaser trailer, magazine front cover, film poster, and early animation. She analyzes how her products used, developed or challenged conventions of real media. For her teaser trailer, she researched conventions of successful trailers, particularly romantic comedies, to inform her creation. Her evaluation identifies several key conventions her trailer adhered to including opening graphics, company logos, captions, varied shots, fast edits, and including the film title.
Odoo 18 Accounting Access Rights - Odoo 18 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, we¨ll discuss on accounting access rights in odoo 18. To ensure data security and maintain confidentiality, Odoo provides a robust access rights system that allows administrators to control who can access and modify accounting data.
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECD
Hannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
Unit 1 Computer Hardware for Educational Computing.pptxRomaSmart1
Computers have revolutionized various sectors, including education, by enhancing learning experiences and making information more accessible. This presentation, "Computer Hardware for Educational Computing," introduces the fundamental aspects of computers, including their definition, characteristics, classification, and significance in the educational domain. Understanding these concepts helps educators and students leverage technology for more effective learning.
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline George
This slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spots!systemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AI!that could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
Discharge procedure and its types in hospital .pptxPoojaSen20
Trailers st brendans 080915
1. You will need to demonstrate an
understanding of how media texts create
meaning and responses
You will need to be able to apply media
key concepts
2. Mastering the ^art of
the tease ̄
What do we need to do to make an effective trailer?
Trailer do¨s and don¨ts
3. Using the term
^audience ̄, explain what a
trailer needs to do.
See who can explain using the least words´
4. Catches the audience¨s interest
Appeals to the audience
makes the audience want to watch the whole film
the audience quickly recognises the genre of the film
teases the audience
gives the audience an idea about the story - narrative
8. Media Language
Mise en scene -
what¨s in the frame
Actors, acting,
costumes, props,
location, lighting
camera shot type,
angle, movement,
sound - music,
effects, atoms
9. Decide on 5 essential ^do¨s ̄
to make an effective trailer.
? If you can, try and use the language of media key
concepts in your explanation.