live each day as if it was yo last day on earth. grab each opportunity as if it was yo last breath. point th gun at ma chest and pull th trigger. cut ma head off and let ma eyes see whats in yo hands. remembr thngs u regret cos thy irreversible. ma lyf is full of struggle, they dnt knw my struggle bt they only see the trouble and dssapointment. what i hav bn a set ma eye in ths lyf is tear-dropping, so go yo way and so wil i..i got a chain around ma neck so its hard to turn and luk into th past. open yo nose, smel and gues wat th front holds i knw its hard. dnt prtnd to love me bt tel me live thatcha hate me.i knw am insane, am a psycho bt inteligent, sexy, nevr caring, daring, confident and