AkU BudaK Simple JER.. TAk ByK beNda Yg akU MilIki MenJAdi Milik AKu... TaKDe APa YG NAk DI BAnGGAkAn.. TapI AKu BERSYkuKur DI BERIKAN TeNAgA DaN DAYA UTh HArUNGI HiDUp SKAnG NIh.. KaLiaN DoakN AKu SebAGAi MaNa Aku SeLalU doakAn KaliaN..
Their lot AbouT Me u should explORer...siMpLe n FuNnNy mAybE..ahakSs!!
Their so many asian people now on net....actually i'm the simple guys who liked to make a good friends with many people...maybe a good relationship will be a gifted belong to us and someone over there... Actually i'm proud to be asian expecially in MALAYSIAN where u can get everything...