-^v- ^v--^v-♥ ♥ ♥ -^v--^v- <Rusly>v- ^v--^v-♥ ♥ ♥ -^
^v--^v ^v--^v- Who is Rusly? ^v--^v -^v--^v- ^v--^v-
^v--^v- I am a simple person with a GREAT ambition.
I was born on the 15,day of October in the year 1989.
Blessed with a wonderful family and friends.
Like every child, I experience to fall many times, cry a lot but still have a happy smile on my face. Ha ha ha ha ^v--^v- ^v--^v- ^v--^v-
By - Rusly Mohamed Khan 100% Truth’s... About ME
1. What’s your real name – Rusly Mohamed Khan
2. Nicknames – Rusly Khan
3. Relationship Status - Single
4. Male or female - Male
5. Primary school - I forget the Name