EffectsMichael TaiwoThis document discusses a study on the effect of variety, pretreatment, and packaging materials on quality attributes of stored orange-fleshed sweet potato flour. It aims to determine the impact on carotenoid retention, functional properties, and microbiology during storage. Two varieties of sweet potato will be pretreated with calcium chloride or potassium metabisulfite before drying, milling, and packaging in polyethylene film or plastic tubs for 3 months. The experiment will analyze properties including carotenoid content, proximate composition, microbial levels, and pasting/functional qualities over time and between treatments. The results intend to evaluate methods for reducing carotenoid losses and maintaining sweet potato flour quality under local storage conditions.
الله بيدعمنى و يسندنىKiko Samir
الله بيدعمنى و يسندنى و ف وقت الازمة بينجدنى و ان كان وارد اتوه ف السكة الاقيه ينادينى و يرشدنى .. مش حاجة تطمن.. طبعا طبعا مطمن .. و الجاى متأمن.. طبعا طبعا متأمن.. يبقى انا كيف اتوكل على انسان و ازاى احزن لو فارقونى الاعوان
Resumo direito-constitucional-inss2Claudia LauredoO documento resume os principais temas do Direito Constitucional relacionados ao INSS, incluindo a teoria geral dos direitos fundamentais, direitos individuais e coletivos garantidos pela Constituição, direitos sociais, direitos de nacionalidade e direitos políticos.
Social networkMichael TaiwoThis document summarizes research on students' use of social networking sites (SNS). It conducted an online survey of undergraduate students to examine how they use SNS for academic and non-academic purposes. Key findings include that students were less able to articulate the academic value of SNS than their social value, and that self-presentation or image building was not a main concern. The majority of respondents preferred Facebook over MySpace and logged into their preferred SNS multiple times a day.
Hortatory newZuyyina AfwaThis document discusses hortatory exposition, a social function used to persuade readers that something should or should not happen. It explains the generic structure and language features of hortatory exposition, including the use of simple present and present perfect tenses, mental and material processes, emotive and evaluative language, and language of ordering, contrasting, comparing, and explaining. It provides an example discussing pollution in industrialized areas of Indonesia, arguing that pollution is contaminating the environment and making people sick, contaminating animals that humans consume, and will increase disease unless the government strengthens laws and regulations for industries.
Causative verbsZuyyina AfwaThis document discusses causative verbs, which indicate that one person causes a second person to do something. It identifies the causative verbs as have, get, make, and let. Patterns for each verb are provided along with examples of how they are used in different tenses. Exercises are included to practice using the causative verbs in sentences.
Analytical exposition2Zuyyina AfwaIntegrated pest management is the most effective way to control pests in agriculture. Relying solely on pesticides can cause problems like pesticide residues in the environment that reduce farm produce quality, pests developing resistance, and harm to non-target animals. Using natural pest enemies and choosing pesticides that don't affect them, along with understanding an area's ecology, allows for safer, more cost-effective pest control compared to completely wiping out pests with chemicals.
Patofisiologi nyeri, demam, serta obat analgetikAKADEMI FARMASI AL-ISHLAH CILEGONDokumen tersebut membahas tentang patofisiologi nyeri dan demam serta analgetika narkotik dan non-narkotik. Terdapat penjelasan tentang mekanisme terjadinya nyeri dan demam beserta proses terapi menggunakan berbagai jenis obat analgetik."
Bab perdagangan internasionalZuyyina AfwaPerdagangan internasional merupakan pertukaran barang dan jasa antarnegara. Beberapa faktor yang mendorong terjadinya perdagangan internasional antara lain ketersediaan sumber daya alam, harga barang luar negeri yang lebih murah, serta memenuhi kebutuhan dunia. Negara-negara dapat memperoleh manfaat dari perdagangan internasional melalui peningkatan produksi dan pembagian kerja.
TRAIT THEORYMichael TaiwoTrait theory focuses on relatively permanent aspects of personality that influence behavior consistency. While other theories consider development and behavior prediction, trait theory compares people based on aspects and degrees of traits without addressing personality change. Gordon Allport proposed functionally autonomous central traits, while Henry Murray focused on psychogenic needs like power, affiliation, and achievement. Raymond Cattell used factor analysis to identify 16 primary personality factors measured by his 16PF assessment.
Hortatory newZuyyina AfwaThis document discusses hortatory exposition, a social function used to persuade readers that something should or should not happen. It explains the generic structure and language features of hortatory exposition, including the use of simple present and present perfect tenses, mental and material processes, emotive and evaluative language, and language of ordering, contrasting, comparing, and explaining. It provides an example discussing pollution in industrialized areas of Indonesia, arguing that pollution is contaminating the environment and making people sick, contaminating animals that humans consume, and will increase disease unless the government strengthens laws and regulations for industries.
Causative verbsZuyyina AfwaThis document discusses causative verbs, which indicate that one person causes a second person to do something. It identifies the causative verbs as have, get, make, and let. Patterns for each verb are provided along with examples of how they are used in different tenses. Exercises are included to practice using the causative verbs in sentences.
Analytical exposition2Zuyyina AfwaIntegrated pest management is the most effective way to control pests in agriculture. Relying solely on pesticides can cause problems like pesticide residues in the environment that reduce farm produce quality, pests developing resistance, and harm to non-target animals. Using natural pest enemies and choosing pesticides that don't affect them, along with understanding an area's ecology, allows for safer, more cost-effective pest control compared to completely wiping out pests with chemicals.
Patofisiologi nyeri, demam, serta obat analgetikAKADEMI FARMASI AL-ISHLAH CILEGONDokumen tersebut membahas tentang patofisiologi nyeri dan demam serta analgetika narkotik dan non-narkotik. Terdapat penjelasan tentang mekanisme terjadinya nyeri dan demam beserta proses terapi menggunakan berbagai jenis obat analgetik."
Bab perdagangan internasionalZuyyina AfwaPerdagangan internasional merupakan pertukaran barang dan jasa antarnegara. Beberapa faktor yang mendorong terjadinya perdagangan internasional antara lain ketersediaan sumber daya alam, harga barang luar negeri yang lebih murah, serta memenuhi kebutuhan dunia. Negara-negara dapat memperoleh manfaat dari perdagangan internasional melalui peningkatan produksi dan pembagian kerja.
TRAIT THEORYMichael TaiwoTrait theory focuses on relatively permanent aspects of personality that influence behavior consistency. While other theories consider development and behavior prediction, trait theory compares people based on aspects and degrees of traits without addressing personality change. Gordon Allport proposed functionally autonomous central traits, while Henry Murray focused on psychogenic needs like power, affiliation, and achievement. Raymond Cattell used factor analysis to identify 16 primary personality factors measured by his 16PF assessment.