I <3 maeslf.. M a big fan of emran hashmi... M very filmy kinda gal:p.. 4 me evating should b of filmy type i.e mae lav lyf n mae frndshp..
I hate those people who had 2 kind of faces..
I hate people who r backbittr n who olwz tink bad abt odrs. But i hate d most dos persons who break promises..
M very possesive 4 d tings which r mine.
I <3 mae family,maeslf,mae frnds,chocolates,teddy bears <3<3<3<3...
Mae mood swings very quickly...
I dont care wat odrs tink of me..
4 d people who hate me i just wanna sae
"lav me o hate me eitherd way u think of me" but u r not even qualify 2 deserve mae hatred..
I <3 singing,dancing,textng,sleeping... I <3 being alone.. I dont like groups..
Hmm.. Mae fre