[Life Calculation ]
DotA + Music + Anime + Movies = Living
lurrve Digital Art ♥♥
[My Graveyard of Boredom]
Forgets everything when enters the "deviantART"
Playing DotA with Friends as a Part of my Lifestyle! Actually it's more than a Lifestyle.
[Totally Worth it]
 I'm Especially A professional Movie Maniac!
[i don't wanna hear u say a Movie name which i DIDN'T WATCHED xD]
[Far too addicted to things that shouldn't matter]
Still finding "alt+3" :/
Forever Alone!
Metalhead! \m\ /m/
Seriously Luv Ice Creams ♥ :D
[Nothing was EVER Delicious than That]
Tryinna make a living by eating, cuz that's what I love to do!
Dragon Tamer at InnoData Lanka (pvt) Ltd. since 15.05.2013