The digestive system breaks down food, absorbs nutrients, and eliminates waste. It is made up of a long tube-like structure called the alimentary canal, running from the mouth to the anus, as well as several accessory organs. Food travels through the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, where it is broken down mechanically and chemically. Mechanical breakdown is through chewing and muscle movements, while chemical breakdown uses enzymes from salivary glands, stomach, pancreas, and intestines. Nutrients are then absorbed through the small intestine into the bloodstream and waste is eliminated from the anus.
10. B. Throat1. Trachea for air to lungs2. Esophagus for food to stomachi. Pushed down by muscle contractions (Peristalsis)3. Separated by epiglottis*What problems does this create?*63
11. C. Stomach1. Mechanicali. Three layers of muscle2. Chemicali. Enzyme Pepsin a. Protein ii. High Acid a. Unfold protein b. Kill germs c. Covered in mucus*Antacids?*64
12. D. Pancreas1. Produces enzymes a. Protein, Fat, Carbs2. Produces Hormones a. Insulin Controls blood sugar levels70
13. E. Liver/Gallbladder1.Largest internal organ2. Maintain blood3. Produces bilei. Store in gall bladder ii. Aid in fat digestion4. Removes poisons from food/drink?*Alcohol destroys liver, Why?*69
14. F. Small Intestine 1. Mechanical 2. Chemical - Many enzymes *3. Absorption* - Tiny Villi 4. Sizei. Length 5 meters ii. Width 3-4 cm70
15. G. Large IntestineMechanicalChemicali. Lots of bacteria ii. Produce key vitamins3. Absorption of water4. Removal of waste5. Sizei. Length 1.5 meters ii. Width 4 - 6 cmAPPENDIX?71