I love my friends and there's not much I wouldn't do for them.
I take on new things with huge enthusiasm, but I don't carry them out many times... mainly because I start something else :)
I'd like to get to New Zealand and Japan and India and Norway, to learn to snowboard, and to jump from a bridge...
Molyolok: http://moly.hu/tagok/kriszmanesz
Ha valamilyen okn谩l fogva aj谩nd茅kot szeretn茅l nekem adni, egy j贸 olvasm谩nynak mindig 枚r眉l枚k. Van egy k铆v谩ns谩glist谩m is ;)
Rukkoltam: http://www.rukkola.hu/felhasznalok/1524282218/konyvek/rukkolasok
Happoln谩m: http://rukkola.hu/felhasznalok/1524282218/konyvek/olvasasra_jeloltek