The document discusses various activities at a Greek school to combat bullying. It describes students watching videos and reading books about bullying, then creating posters with slogans against it. Teachers and parents attended an online training about bullying. An author presented their book on avoiding cyberbullying to students. A psychologist spoke to students about dealing with bullies and helping victims. Older students wrote and performed a play about school bullying.
4. Then we read two books on the subject
The glasses of Nikos by Vangelis
The pirates of the
catastrophic by George
Katselis, teacher of our school
5. How expressive be can a children's
painting ..
The children wanted to express themselves through
painting. With passion and imagination they created their
own poster with the central slogan:
6. They took their
brushes and wrote
striking words on
their banners.
Then they decided to make a banner
16. Then they directed it. Actors were
the students of the small classes
E. Theatrical game
The children of the upper
classes wrote their own play
on the subject of school
bullying and the title was:
"The braces"