hei stalker (_)
nama:Kukuh Yoga rizki ananda
umur:kepo lo!
berpacaran dengan:Nabila Qurrotul Aini Silvia (K)竜`) ~12-08-12~
Minat :
1. Jadi guitaris yang sukses
2. Pengen bikin Ciledug Black Metal Horde (C.B.M.H)
3. Nyari band yang serius no modus
4. Pengen jadi black satanic grown
5. Ngebahagiain ortu
6. Taat agama
7. Married with she :*
8. Say no to drug
with she I happy
with she I can feel true love
with she I can smile
She change my life
My wish I can with she until death call us She is Nabila Qurrotul Aini Silvia
She my best couple and I promise to not betray him because I love him and she my little angel :)
"Orang yang melanggar aturan