Email. kuldeepdagar@cristyngoconsultancy.in
Call no. 9911100091, 011- 22247101
Particular Amount
1. Amendment of Memorandum & Rules and Regulation Rs.2 5,000/-
2. Minutes and Resolution Register (per year) Rs. 7,000/-
3. Trust / Society Registration Rs. 10,000/-
4. Member Ship {6 months} Rs. 1,000/-
5. Project Proposal making under FCRA registration Rs. 15,000/-
6. Annual Report (per year) Rs. 2,000/-
7. Only follow up for Amendment & Project Rs. 5,000/-
8. Documentation & Registration under FCRA Rs. 35,000/-
9. Registration under 12A of Income Tax Act, 1961 &
Exemption under 80G of Income Tax Act, 1961 Rs. 35,000/-