*SoMe GiRLs ArE JuSt BoRn WiTh GLittErs In ThEir VEins* ------
FOLLOW ME:*twitter* @iamlaichochang
-- <3 i am SIMPLE in a COMPLICATED way <3 --
i am a factual person. i don't make conclusions without substantiations. i learned a lot from the principle of EBP (Evidence based practices).. i am pragmatic..
i enjoy talking about things that interests me (of course) and i find great value in the exchange of ideas.
i am NOT perfectionist, 0bsessive compulsive, type A personality --- but i do not settle for mediocrity.
i am a B person.. happy-go-lucky! living life Hakuna Matata!!
i am a strong believer of:
¤ God