惘悖 惡惺 惶 惘悖惠 惡悋惠 惘悖悋悋
惡悴惘忰 惘愃 悋愕悋惘
悋 悖惶悋惡 惠 悴惘忰 惶悋惺惡 悋惠忰惠
惺惆 愕愀 愕悖 愕 愕悖惷 莬惘惺悸 忰 悋 悽悵 悋
悽悋 悽悋 悋
Relationships do not need promises, terms, and conditions. It just needs two wonderful people; one who can trust and one who can understand
悛 惠惆惺 惺惘 惺
愕 愕惺悋惆惠 !
悛 惘 悒悋 悋惡惠愕悋惠
悒 惷悋惠 惺 !