Articles in Proceedings:
Lay Kee, Ch'ng & Zarina Samsudin (2013). Integration of mobile devices into ubiquitous learning by the 21st century teenagers. Presented at the 5th International Conference on Electronics Engineering, Advanced Communications and Information Technology. 16-17 November 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Lay Kee, Ch'ng & Zarina Samsudin (2015). The learning styles and learning emotions of adult learner in e-learning environment. Presented at the 15th International Educational Technology Conference. 27-29 May 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. ISSN:2146-7366, pp. 934-940
Publication in Journals:
Lay Kee Ch’ng, Zarina Samsudin, Integration of Mobile Devices into Ubiquitous Learning ...