kuraping kura kuraping ping ping ping!!! (the sound when i enter a room meaning, the door broke down)
Im STILL lazy, so i going to re-use something i posted on one of my blogs.
A - Anna (my other name)
B - Bleach Dynasty (my beloved BD)
C - Clifornia (where my parents live)
D - Decaprio (titanic fan girl?)
E - Engaged (lolwutt?)
F- Face Book (im lovin FB)
G - Google (cant live without google)
H - Holy (i studied on a chatolic school since i was prep)
I - Irrelevant (i somehow see my self that way)
J - Jason ( name of my first dog the same name of power rangers 1st red ranger, he got hit by a car)
K - Keigo (I just love my daily dose of Asano keigo)
L - Love (is somethin