i hv 1 family..
dad :Lamat Talip
mom:Armah Brahim
oider sis:lazimah
brothr:Saiful Ikmal
younger sis:Laziyani
younger bro:Saiful Ikhwan
I can not live without them..
they are my life..
my mom told me to be ustazah,but i cant..(aku xda minat)..i juz can be a good girl to my family..
I will work hard to achieve what I want..
LOVE???i dont know how its feel..but i've couple during secondary school..
its funny!!i dont believe it..but its soo sweet..haha
now,i dont want falling in love,i afraid to get hurt,and love is scary to me..
but i like someone,i know him long ago,now,i've meet him..he's quietly nsome..but,i dont care about his pretty face..
I am fascinated by his charm,.if i