..first and f0rem0st, i'm a seri0us type 0f pers0n..
~i'm seri0us in s0 many ways (specially when i give value int0 it)
~i always get 0ffended (kaya 'wag m0 akong pag-tripan lal0 na kung 'di maganda trip m0)
~i d0n't s0cialize t0o much that y0u'll get sn0bbed by me at first, h0wever, y0u can get my attenti0n and we can bec0me friends..
..y0u'll always see me smiling..
~well, i always l0ved t0 smile y0u know kh8 n serious aq.. (~~,)
..i have this much amount 0f patience yet i still get irritated..
~i have a sharp & p0inted t0ngue that it can pierce deep int0 y0ur s0ul..
~d0n't even try t0 prov0ke me t0 the fullest (when that happens y0u'll see birds roaming ar0und y0ur head)..hahaha kiddin'