♥ Late Sleeper
♥ Food Junkie
♥ I love to shop even when I only got my last cash
♥ Can't cook but willing to learn
♥ Coke Light Addict
♥ A bit BrAnD CoNsCiOuS in terms of clothing & bags
♥ Easily pleased
♥ MuSiC keeps me going
♥ I love Music
♥ I am ClUmSy sometimes
♥ PhYsIcAlLy cOnScIoUs but not anorexic
♥ Im not gonna feed u some bullcrap so u can like me
♥ StUbBoRn and somewhat NaRrOw-mInDeD
♥ I am CrAzY, and a HuGe rEbEl but in a good way
♥ i can be HypEr one moment and totally out of mood the next.
♥ I look SnOb and InTiMiDaTiNg but it pays to know me first before you say something
♥ Great Friend
♥ I'm not choosy with friends, just be yourself and tha