モ"n0 0ne cAn reAlly aCcept y0u at y0ur worSt... witH0ut eVen kn0wing h0w d0es it fEel bEing witH y0u at y0ur bEst"モ
(琤)=竜/無命命/命命命命 命 命命 命 命 扎犢琫諭犢蝲(baAnG!)
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..,Liezel Joy De Guzman_is mAh nAme
..,aNd i love dAt nAme!!!
..,19 yEarz of aGe!!
.,.gRaduated fr0m Anda National High School_bAtch 2010..,
.,,,.now_im a sTudent of Pangasinan State University,Bayambang Campus..,.
..,3rd yEar collEge..,
.,.,tAking up_Bachelor of Elementay Education.,.
.,..luVz pHotography xo mUch!!
.,..liKez 2 eAt shoKolatez
.,..liKez haVing advEntures