I'm not that special.
I just love eating pizza specially with lots of pineapple chunks and cheese on top of it. Melted may I add.
I love eating powdered milk, milo, or ovaltine :D
I love puppies and kittens but begin to hate them after 3 months or so.
Hated smelling flowers with a sharp odor.
I like AND want to grow a MUSTACHE! :D
I don't like hot areas. :/
I love eating french fries with sundae as it's dip.
I also like to eat cake with tomato sauce as it's companion.
I love hearing songs from alternative rock bands especially from ALL TIME LOW and PARAMORE. Rakista ako eh. XD
I heart dancing. No erase. Period. Padlock. Tapon the key. Hoho.
I like to draw abstract things but failed to