RR- FB peeps...I'm karatemom
PANDORA http://www.pandora.com/people/lsfrn63
YOUTUBE page...http://www.youtube.com/user/msjagcat777
Lori's Musings... blog
I am a mother of three children and one grandson.
Kari-30 yrs old, Brent-28 yrs old, Shawn-22 yrs old, and grandson Kavin-11 yrs old
I am a born-again blood bought believer in Jesus Christ who was saved at 14 yrs old. In 1992 I rededicated my life to Christ. It was at this time that I finally understood what a personal relationship with Christ was all about. I fell in love with Jesus at this time and has loved him since.
I am a member of First Baptist Church of J