I <3
Animals ♥
Hugging ma dad and sleeping :’)
Fighting with AdIi ruKki kowshi dharshan danushan an awl xD
Talking for looong hours with ma Bestie ♥
Texting xP
Guitars ♥
Photographs and editing them (jobless :P )
Getting wet in a terrible downpour
Eating Ice cream till my nose tip gets dipped =)
Seeing horror films with the latest friend and ma eyes wide open :O :O
Telling stories to frnds, when mam is busy wit d black board ;-)
Attending the Last Exams B)
Licking dairy milk with the golden wrapper :P
Hearing songs till I fall droopy :’)
Getting scoldings frm ma bro for not opening the door
Crying till ma eyes get dry off :( :P :( :( :(
Playing UNO, till I lose to d opponent 8)