Mysterious Girl & Fun Fearless Female
I dON't RegreT My PaSt, I juSt reGret the tiMe i'vE wasTed With ThE wRong peoplE. LiFe iS tOo sHort to waKe uP witH regretS. So, lovE tHe peOple wHo trEat yOu rigHt aNd fOrget aBout tHe onEs whO don'T. BeLieve tHat eVerytHing haPpens foR a reaSon. If yOu gEt a seCond Chance, graB it wiTh botH hanDs, If iT chaNges yOur liFe, Let it!
If you're too BUSY TO CALL me, I'll understand.... If you DON'T HAVE TIME to CHECK ON me, I'll understand.... If you're late on our date, I'll understand.... BUT IF I STOP LOVING YOU, IT'S YOUR TURN TO UNDERSTAND!
"Stay Cool... Being Nice & Keep Smiling 4 Everyone..."
Be who you want to be,not what others