jUdgE mE at fiRst gLanCe widOut giviNg mE a cHancE...
stEreOtypE mE by hOw i lOok oR tHe tHinGs i sAy...
aNd i'LL prOvE u wRoNg iN evErywAy..........
tHey tHiNk iM sO tOugH, bUt...i jUst nEveR lEt aNyOnE sEe mE cRy...
i aM nOwhEre nEaR pErfEct
i eAt whEn i aM bOrEd
im vUnErabLe tO beLiEviNg liEs
iM hOpiNg dAt 1 dAy i wOnt niD a fAkE smiLe
i livE bY qOutEs dAt expLAin exActLy wAt i aM gOinG thRu
i mAkE uP excUsEs 4 evErytHinG
i hAvE bEstfRiEndS aNd eN3miEs
i hAvE dRamA aNd mEmOriEs
(tHat's lifE)
I can't go a day without listening to music
i am the girl who has a smile on her face when everythings going wrong. but im the girl that can be in a crowded room and feel so alone. im the girl wh