--Name you use: MADHU
--Nicknames: MADDY
--Birthday: 08/01/86
--Birthplace: WG
--Current Location: Chennai
--Eye colour: Dark Brown
--Hair colour: Naturally; Black, Silky
--Righty or lefty: Righty
--Your heritage: indian every where i find my self comfortable
--Your weakness: idk lol
-- Your fears: loving a girl
-- Your thoughts first waking up: chee...?
-- Your best physical feature: idk
-- Your bedtime: when ever i fall asleep
-- Drink: soft drinks
-- Fast food joint: Subway,kfc..........hummmy
-- Adidas or Nike: Neither
-- Chocolate or vanilla: either or
-- Cappuccino or coffee: whatever I have at the time
-- Smoke: no
-- Sing: yes
-- Take a shower every day: s
-- H