Knowledge is D-WINE entha thaaagithe antha knowledge annamaaata
♥♥I LoVE yOUr eYeS bUt I lOVe miNE mORe cOz wiThOUt mY eYeS, I wOuLd'Nt hAVe sEeN yOUrs. ♥♥
I am a Miracle,A Mystery to myself........The mirror says back,MADDY you was always meant to be but wasn't like that.....
.........For me the struggle is everlasting until what you get and always avoids being a victim of what i know?
......I always keep on thinking that life is not a repetition.
..........I am fortunate that who doesn't involve myself in the maze........
......My former tendencies are always straight; Giving 100% of whatever you do."Believe in destiny" is my attitude.