mY naMe iS Magdalena BeRnaDette F.Juhim....
i came from SaBah...
I liVe in Kota MaruDu
My kG is At PaPar...
I like 2 have many frIenD...
i am the 2nd dougher from 4 siblgs....
now Im study at UNIMAS Sarawak...
I onLy accepT frEn thAt i Know herE....
Juz add Me... MyB i Will ApRove u, n MyB neXt timE.. hehehe...
I juZ a SimPle perSon....
My Mom carried me for nine months. She felt sick for those months with nausea, then she watched her feet swell & her skin stretch. She teared. She struggled to climb stairs, she got breathless quickly and she even suffered many sleepless nights. She then went through excruciating pain to bring me into this world. Then, she became my nurse, my chef, my m