~*~ In My Life I've Always Been Hurted & Left Alone..
D Reason Isnt Tht Other Person Didn't Care 4me..
But Coz I've Always Cared For Every1 More Than They Actually Deserve ~*~
The simplest things make me laugh...its not hard 2 please me...i m a free spirit i m strong n determined.........i love 2 look at the stars..........i m just a girl and dats all i wanna be :) wel...m a gal who tries 2 be as happy as possible...but...is sad only wen som1 close 2 her does sumthn wrng dat hurts her!!.... tears dnt wait 2 cum outside!!!...i believe in true relationships...which involve a piece of understanding...n a bond of love....dnt take mee as a philosopher guys....actually...dese things r wat i a