"悋 悽悵 惘忰 悒 忰 悖惠惡 悖 悋悴悸"
Just One dreams to have the love of Allah
dreams of heaven
dreams of A sincere lover
dreams of better life .. and I hope that I can get my dreams
and just one loves his family and his friends too much
悖惠 惡 惶忰悋惠 忰悋惠 悋 悖惺 惶忰忰 悴悋惠
悋 悋惶忰忰 悋 悋悖惶忰
悖 悋惺惡 悖
悋 悖惺 悒 悖惠慍 愃惘惡悸 忰惘悸 悵 悋忰悋悸
惶惘悽悋惠 惠悽惘悴 惡 惶悋惠悸 悋 悖忰惆 愕惺悋
惶惘悽悋惠 惠悽惘悴 悋悧悴悸 悋 惠忰 惺