i m talkative much... Bt i speak straight forwordz.. Dnt like d people who only do thngs only for showing their fake greatness! I can easily cope wid any people.. In sm ways i m bit sensative.. Dnt like to argue on any stupid issu.. Bt i like to argue in any matter dat i knw much.. I dnt like gossiping ( ! ) though smtimes i do... :p u would get me in any prblm.. I try to help d ppl as much as i can. Smtimes i get much highper ..i knw i shouldnt do dat .. And i m nt diplomatic at all ....i m dedicated... Humorous... And confident ..bt nt over confident... I trust people who r perfect 4 it... I m caring.. U can share wid me anythng u want or u like.. I never break any1z trust .. I never do pr