Ad majora natus sum, I am born for greater things...
~ Fiat Justitia et Pereat Mundus…
~ Fiat Justitia Ruat Coelum…
~ Go a Head For Our Rechtstaat…
I am just an ordinary guy... created extraordinarily by God...
I am a sinner...
I had ever...
But one day...
I heard the greatest story...
I heard the best fact...
I heard the most amazing thing...
That God so loves me...
He does not want me to go to Hell...
He then sent His Son to die for me...
So that I shall be saved...
So that I need not to go to Hell...
And after I die...
I am going to Heaven FOR SURE...
And now...
While I am living in this earth...
For to me, to live is Christ and to die