*without him i cannot laugh!i keep changing by the fact that he is my love:D
✖ I'm marjorie, 18 years of age..
Some of my friends call me marj.oye, maj etc.
You can also call me whatever name you like.
Just make sure you don't give me a stupid nickname ..ok?!
✖ I was born on the 27 day of sept.. I'm currently a second year college student.. I love watching movies, texting, chatting, browsing the internet and hanging around w/my close friends. My favorite color are black, blue, pink and white. I'm a shy type person. I don't really talk to much when I've met people who i never met before.. or - I REALLY DON'T TALK! weird huh?? I'm not snobbish It's just that I'm really shy but once you