I <3 Camp Hess Kramer
i miss Camp Hess Kramer
L13 just have 2 wait a little more
Havurah 2010! havu havu rangers!
Cabron Burgundy 2010! come see how good we look
Cabron Miriam 2010!
Hey there good lookin!
We know we're fabulous!
i went to Camp Hess Kramer.
I love camp ocean pines oh so much and i miss all my fellow campers
Cabin Weezra 2011 was a blast
if its too loud, turn it down.
rock on my bros forever chk 2011
and of course Cabin Weezbecca
Juducks 2012
rollin wit my kehi kitties
gettin ready for LEADERSHIP 2013!
yeah...just a little excited