....皕g旅侶留 于 廡亞犢橅犢l
(`'揃.存 (`'揃.存*造* 存.揃'卒) 存.揃'卒)
**** mArrY_jOy ****
(存.揃'卒 (存.揃'卒*造* `'揃.存) `'揃.存)
*i inStruct mySelf nOt to deNy any criticism..(that's simply responding in kind)
*nOt to get defensive and not to counterattack with criticism of their own..
*i can agree with any tRuth in statements people use to criticize me (AGGREEING WITH THE TRUTH)
*you're right! i wasn't too smart in the way i handLed that, was I? (NEGATIVE ASSERTION)
*i hate traitors as what as back fighter..
*i caN use mahh knowledge to make educated guesses that have more than one possibility...
*saying that person X likes spicy ice crea