A very unPreDictaBLe but BaLanced inDividual. as in!!SobRa!!.Am not PeRfeCt...but i'm TruE very TraNsParenT!!!
A very unPreDictaBLe but BaLanced inDividual. as in!!SobRa!!.Am not PeRfeCt...but i'm TruE very TraNsParenT!!!.I have mood sWiNgs, a brain teaSer entHuSiast, taLkative, criTiciZer, guTsy, joViaL, harBinger of tRanQuility, taLisman of lonGevity, coMpassioNate but aLso teMpeRameNtal, genTLe but can be easiLy proVoked, GoD-feaRing & an acroPhobic. I can be yOur beStfriend or your wORsT fOe. Im sMart but stuLtify when it comes to LoVe.confident but not conceited. Im kiNd of an inFormation sPonGe who lOves to find ouT whaTs going on in tHe world. sTill, miSunDerstood by many (be it my