Team Leader, Scrum Master and Java Developer with over 17 years of experience in software architecture, Cloud Computing, software development, testing and IT services in Mexico, Canada and the US.
Main Expertise:
Java SE and J2EE: Core and Enterprise Java Development: Web , Integration and Persitance layer
ECM and BPM: FileNet and Savvion.
Web Services: SOAP and REST Based
IDEs: Eclipse, NetBeans,JDeveloper and IntelliJ.
Build and SCM Tools: CVS, Git, SVN, Meven, Gradle
Servers: Oracle/BEA Weblogic, Apache Tomcat, GlassFish, JBoss, IBM WS.
Middleware: JDBC,MQ Series, ActiveMQ, Mule
Persistance: Hibernate and JPA.
Internet of Things
Spring: Core, MVC, Integration, Data,Security, LDAP, X...