i push the d0orx dat clearly say pull,
i laugh harder wen i try 2 explain y em laughin,
i walk into the room n 4get i waz there,
i c0unt on ma fingurex in math classex..:P
i try 2 aacomplish things wd tym still 0n d microwave,..;)
i lie sometimex to hide d pain..;(
i cry alot more then anyb0dy think i d0...:)
em not so strong as ma smile seemx 2 be:)
i get attached 2 ppl wh0 care even a lil b0ut meh...
i say its long story wen itx really n0t..;P
i fall in luv to0 harder to0 fast...;)
cx i em me...;)