¤ Favorite Color: Red
¤ Favorite Hobby: Football
¤ Favorite School Subject: Maths
¤ Favorite Vacation Destination: New Zealand
¤ Favorite Food: French Fries done with Eggs (Yumm :D)
¤ Favorite Animal: Falcon
¤ Favorite Celebrity: One with a brain on and off the stage and spotlight
¤ Favorite/Most Respected Person In Your Life: My Father + Einstein( and the gang ! )
¤::This or That::¤
¤ Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
¤ Big Mac or Whopper: None
¤ Coke or Pepsi : Either wouldn't matter, but none of them would be just not right !
¤ Beer or Wine: Wine
¤ Coffee or Tea: Tea
¤ Apple Juice or O.J.: Love Both
¤ Summer or Winter: Autumn's grace and