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Organization / Workplace
Ukraine Ukraine
Enjoy entrepreneurial journey, A journey around innovations, Deliver more value to people, And feel myself deeply happy
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A serial entrepreneur inspired and fueled by innovations ))) have successful experience as service provider of professional equipment. Nowadays move to "pay as you go business model" thanks to IoT and enlarge my service provider experience to other markets and products. Fight to change Ukrainian business & consumers habit to buy everything instead of consuming a service where service provider has to constantly deliver competitive-level service or be ready to lose customer at a moment. Wise consumption like "a service instead of physical product" will make everybody happier, more efficient and even eco-friendly. That's what I believe and want to share with everybody!
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Rock crystal handmade art catalogue feb 2015Rock crystal handmade art catalogue feb 2015
Rock crystal handmade art catalogue feb 2015
仗仂舒亳于仆亠 亳仍 亟仍 于仂亟 Lifesaver 亳ミ術 2014
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