Hi..!This is Don2/Mino/(Japanese)Minoru_Shichiro/
(Korean)Hyun-Shik/Paul Eli(jah) M. Ascado/Mark Arveen Pasculado signing on...
I'm a human who knows that I am weak,
that I am a sinner, that I am forgiven, and that I am loved by God. God showed me He loved me by letting His Son, Jesus, die on the cross. God showed me He loves me by chasing after me and drawing me to Him. And that it is His Spirit who sets us truly free.
My desire is to Love God above all things, and love people. I also desire to dream big, be a rocking writer someday!!! (YEah DUDE!)
I'm a human who knows I have been given MUCH...
The best way to know me (and me to know you) is to spend TIME... :) Talk, and be hon