AnyeOng ! My real name is Mimi Amira or you can call me Meymey Ameyra . My firstly fb . I'm 13 years old . From Malaysian . But I Love Korea . I means K-Pop Muzic , K-Pop Artis , K-Pop Fever , K-Pop Drama and All of K-Pop ! I Love ZE:A dump much <3 And my bias in ZE:A is of course Kim DongJun Oppa <3 . In MBLAQ .. I Love Lee Joon . Kekeke^^ he so adoreble and naughty . That was make me wanna hug him . Hehehe . (just kidding) . Um .. but don't forget .. too Jang Woo Young and Simon Dominic or just I said ( Sam D ) . XD
:: My hobby is ::
~ readin' novel
~ watching korean dramas / films
~ listening to korean songs * espicially ZE:A and MBLAQ* HWAITING !
...~ surfin' intenet
~ textin'