pet names: talli,chimni
m like any other gal,
m nt special
n dnt hv anythng to admire wid.
Bt m d 1 who is d best in my world.
I dnt trust people easily,as nobody is worth of it nwadays.
I came on earth on 27 november 91,11.15pm
i jus hate d people who r prety nasty in nature.
I nevr lyk to tak 2 people who alwas visit my inbox wid a questn
yes m a bit rude,sweet for those who care,
n at tym i myt iritate u.
M a quirk who is alwaz stuck of past.
I kip thinking abt it alwaz.
My whole world fell apart wen i ws 15
n evr since thn i hv been changng alot.
Sumtyms m d 1 u wud love.
Bt at tyms i dnt hv any rum for emotions.
I hv been thru a lot of turmoil,
n m tryng 2 manage my hapi