1. Will always make time f0r y0u!
2. Respect all y0ur ideas and decisi0ns!
3. Talk to y0u 'b0ut seri0us stuff!
4. Treat y0ur friends well!
5. Let y0u make up y0ur own mind!
6. C0mf0rt y0u when y0u really neEd s0me0ne!
7. Always remember special days!
8. 0ccasi0nally do s0mething really r0mantic!
9. Love y0u f0r wh0 y0u are and often tell y0u that!
10. Kn0w when to leave y0u al0ne and give y0u space!
@: COCOJAM fever!
@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@
You're n0t al0ne
Together we stand
I'll be by y0ur side,
You kn0w I'll take y0ur hand
When it gets c0ld
And it feEls like the end
There's n0 place to g0
You kn0w I w0n't give in
No I woN't give in...
@_@ FRUSTRATING realizati0ns: