I L0v3 t0 Be C0mpLiCat3d..=P*
wAnt t0 Be UniQu3 'N' d0 thinGx Diff3rnt'LLy..=)*
3m HelL (`sEnsItive`)..=D*.
I GivE a daMn t0 whAt PpL thInk aNd SaY aBt m3 .. :)>-*
C'0z f0r m3, th0sE wh0 tAwk Abt 0th3rx r sImpLy..
(`L0x3rs`).. =))*
I Ch0osE My Fr3ndx by My OwN.. =)*
v3ry ChOosi3 'n' Mo0di3 =P*
sh0rt-t3mp3red...=P* Car3less...=D*.
s0 b3wAr3 0v` m3h 3w CaN't Get m3h 3va.. =)*............/´¯/)...........(\¯`\